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Strengthening of the international arrangement on forests and its extension to 2030.
Conservation and sustainable use of biological diversity and the equitable sharing of the benefits of genetic resources, including forest biological diversity; an expanded program of work on forest biological diversity was adopted in 2002.
Control of trade in endangered or threatened species, including several tree and woody species.
Protection of the social, economic and cultural rights of indigenous peoples, including (implicitly) forest dwellers and forest-dependent indigenous peoples.
Facilitation of trade in tropical timber and ensuring of exports from sustainable sources.
Conservation and wise use of wetlands, including mangroves and some other forest ecosystems.
Mitigation of the effects of drought and prevention of desertification, including optimizing the contribution of forests to this goal.
Limitation of human-induced disturbances to the global climate system by stabilizing greenhouse gas (GHG) concentration in the atmosphere.
Protection and maintenance of sites of outstanding cultural and natural heritage of universal value, including forest areas.
Governs the multilateral trade system, including the settlement of disputes; the Committee on Trade and Environment addresses the links between the multilateral trade system and environment-related trade measures.
Provides for funding to 80 countries that have tropical forests to help maintain their trees, with annual payments based on the hectares conserved or restored.
Measures to clamp down on private financing and international trade of products associated with deforestation.
Commitments from all countries to reduce their emissions and work together to adapt to the impacts of climate change.
Targets to be achieved in the environmental, economic, social and institutional domains by 2030.