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Other Production

Soja e conformidade legal no Brasil: Riscos e oportunidades no âmbito do Regulamento da UE sobre Desmatamento

Este relatório da Trase e do ICV, com colaboração do Atlas Agropecuário (Imaflora), avalia a conformidade da produção de soja na Amazônia e no Cerrado com elementos-chave do
Código Florestal. Além disso, discute as implicações relacionadas ao cumprimento dos requisitos do novo Regulamento da União Europeia sobre o Desmatamento.

Tropical Timber Market Report

The ITTO Tropical Timber Market (TTM) Report, an output of the ITTO Market Information Service (MIS),
is published in English every two weeks with the aim of improving transparency in the international tropical timber market. Its contents do not necessarily reflect the views or policies of ITTO. News may be reprinted provided that the ITTO TTM Report is credited.

Progress On No Deforestation & No Peat Commitments in the Palm Oil Sector: Reporting Using the NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework

The Tropical Forest Alliance (TFA) has released a new report which looks at progress by companies on commitments to No Deforestation, No Peat, and No Exploitation (NDPE) in the palm oil sector through the lens of the NDPE Implementation Reporting Framework (NDPE-IRF). This tool has been developed by the company-led Palm Oil Collaboration Group (POCG), facilitated by Proforest, to enable aligned company reporting on progress implementing NDPE commitments.

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